Ultimate Bros VR Ultimate
English Polski

#32 Mikael Bomark / Bobbo

Season: Igloo 2021
Series: Open
Team: the Dalahästs

Igloo 2021:

GamesPassesGoalsTot.Pass avg.Goal avg.Point avg.WinsWin-%
6 6 7 13 1.00 1.17 2.17 4 66.7%


Event type Division Games Passes Goals Cal. Tot. Pass avg. Goal avg. Point avg. Wins Win-%
indoor open 6 6 7 0 13 1.00 1.17 2.17 4 66.7%
Total 6 6 7 0 13 1.00 1.17 2.17 4 66.7%
Event Division Team Games Passes Goals Cal. Tot. Pass avg. Goal avg. Point avg. Wins Win-%
Igloo 2021 Open the Dalahästs 6 6 7 0 13 1.00 1.17 2.17 4 66.7%

Igloo 2021 game events:

04.12.2021  the Dalahästs - The Bridge   8 - 15
13.474 - 8Hugo WretlingMikael Bomark / Bobbo
04.12.2021  14482 Ultimate - the Dalahästs   12 - 13
5.011 - 2Illia Shypunov / Big spoonMikael Bomark / Bobbo
11.432 - 5Mikael Bomark / Bobbo Illia Shypunov / Big spoon
35.1910 - 11Mikael Bomark / Bobbo Hugo Wretling
04.12.2021  the Dalahästs - RJP Open   14 - 12
16.596 - 6Mikael Bomark / Bobbo Artur Wilczyński
22.378 - 6Illia Shypunov / Big spoonMikael Bomark / Bobbo
05.12.2021  the Dalahästs - Disckick   15 - 12
0.361 - 0Artur WilczyńskiMikael Bomark / Bobbo
6.413 - 2Artur WilczyńskiMikael Bomark / Bobbo
30.2011 - 8Peter Rudman / StorebrorMikael Bomark / Bobbo
05.12.2021  the Dalahästs - Flow   15 - 9
1.001 - 0Mikael Bomark / Bobbo Martin
20.5710 - 5Jonas Teglund / Never injuredMikael Bomark / Bobbo
33.4012 - 7Mikael Bomark / Bobbo Jonas Teglund / Never injured
41.2215 - 9Mikael Bomark / Bobbo Hugo Wretling