Ultimate Bros VR Ultimate
English Polski

#13 Brimel Brimel

Season: Igloo 2021
Series: Women's
Team: OssiFressen

Igloo 2021:

GamesPassesGoalsTot.Pass avg.Goal avg.Point avg.WinsWin-%
6 5 16 21 0.83 2.67 3.50 5 83.3%


Event type Division Games Passes Goals Cal. Tot. Pass avg. Goal avg. Point avg. Wins Win-%
indoor women's 6 5 16 0 21 0.83 2.67 3.50 5 83.3%
Total 6 5 16 0 21 0.83 2.67 3.50 5 83.3%
Event Division Team Games Passes Goals Cal. Tot. Pass avg. Goal avg. Point avg. Wins Win-%
Igloo 2021 Women's OssiFressen 6 5 16 0 21 0.83 2.67 3.50 5 83.3%

Igloo 2021 game events:

04.12.2021  Flowers Mamuty - OssiFressen   11 - 15
7.192 - 4Caoti CaotiBrimel Brimel
11.063 - 6Betty BettyBrimel Brimel
12.293 - 7Caoti CaotiBrimel Brimel
27.438 - 11Nadine NadineBrimel Brimel
36.0810 - 14Betty BettyBrimel Brimel
04.12.2021  OssiFressen - the Dalahästs   14 - 11
12.252 - 4Betty BettyBrimel Brimel
13.443 - 4Nadine NadineBrimel Brimel
23.408 - 4Brimel Brimel Betty Betty
27.219 - 5Ina InaBrimel Brimel
31.5411 - 7Brimel Brimel Betty Betty
39.3713 - 11Brimel Brimel Anna Anna
05.12.2021  OssiFressen - Nail Polish   11 - 10
17.595 - 5Betty BettyBrimel Brimel
19.116 - 5Betty BettyBrimel Brimel
05.12.2021  OssiFressen - the Dalahästs   15 - 9
12.356 - 2Betty BettyBrimel Brimel
25.5110 - 4Betty BettyBrimel Brimel
28.2811 - 5Brimel Brimel Betty Betty
30.4512 - 6Brimel Brimel Anna Anna
32.5613 - 7 Brimel Brimel
05.12.2021  Flow Ptysie - OssiFressen   13 - 10
24.368 - 5 Brimel Brimel
31.3810 - 7 Brimel Brimel
39.0211 - 9 Brimel Brimel