Ultimate Bros VR Ultimate
English Polski

#30 Felix Hercufelix

Season: Igloo 2022
Series: Open
Team: Drehst'n Deckel

Igloo 2022:

GamesPassesGoalsTot.Pass avg.Goal avg.Point avg.WinsWin-%
7 1 16 17 0.14 2.29 2.43 2 28.6%


Event type Division Games Passes Goals Cal. Tot. Pass avg. Goal avg. Point avg. Wins Win-%
indoor open 7 1 16 0 17 0.14 2.29 2.43 2 28.6%
Total 7 1 16 0 17 0.14 2.29 2.43 2 28.6%
Event Division Team Games Passes Goals Cal. Tot. Pass avg. Goal avg. Point avg. Wins Win-%
Igloo 2022 Open Drehst'n Deckel 7 1 16 0 17 0.14 2.29 2.43 2 28.6%

Igloo 2022 game events:

03.12.2022  Meowing Panthers - Drehst'n Deckel   15 - 6
16.378 - 4Felix Hercufelix Sebastian Bombasti
03.12.2022  Lok Stoli - Drehst'n Deckel   11 - 12
35.4811 - 9Jakob DangerFelix Hercufelix
03.12.2022  Drehst'n Deckel - DiscKick   10 - 14
12.132 - 6Nils HalleluwiejaFelix Hercufelix
16.493 - 7Jakob NinjakobFelix Hercufelix
20.584 - 8Tim Fat BoiFelix Hercufelix
23.365 - 9Erik Bad BoiFelix Hercufelix
30.507 - 9Maik SmaikFelix Hercufelix
33.488 - 10Sebastian BombastiFelix Hercufelix
03.12.2022  Drehst'n Deckel - Flow   13 - 15
0.501 - 0Franz The LegendFelix Hercufelix
6.443 - 2Jakob NinjakobFelix Hercufelix
04.12.2022  Drehst'n Deckel - Wrocław Południe   15 - 8
0.501 - 0Maik SmaikFelix Hercufelix
13.248 - 3Jakob DangerFelix Hercufelix
19.1810 - 5Maik SmaikFelix Hercufelix
24.5213 - 6Tim Fat BoiFelix Hercufelix
28.3615 - 8Tim Fat BoiFelix Hercufelix
04.12.2022  Drehst'n Deckel - DiscKick   11 - 14
35.5711 - 11Erik Bad BoiFelix Hercufelix
04.12.2022  Drehst'n Deckel - K.O.   13 - 15
3.242 - 1Franz The LegendFelix Hercufelix