Ultimate Bros VR Ultimate
English Polski

#33 Mattis The Bolt

Season: Igloo 2022
Series: Open
Team: Endzonis

Igloo 2022:

GamesPassesGoalsTot.Pass avg.Goal avg.Point avg.WinsWin-%
7 8 10 18 1.14 1.43 2.57 4 57.1%


Event type Division Games Passes Goals Cal. Tot. Pass avg. Goal avg. Point avg. Wins Win-%
indoor open 7 8 10 0 18 1.14 1.43 2.57 4 57.1%
Total 7 8 10 0 18 1.14 1.43 2.57 4 57.1%
Event Division Team Games Passes Goals Cal. Tot. Pass avg. Goal avg. Point avg. Wins Win-%
Igloo 2022 Open Endzonis 7 8 10 0 18 1.14 1.43 2.57 4 57.1%

Igloo 2022 game events:

03.12.2022  SACHS'N - Endzonis   11 - 13
14.223 - 7Henning CrediXMattis The Bolt
26.457 - 9Georg Master GeorgieMattis The Bolt
27.227 - 10Mattis The Bolt Karsten Curly
29.057 - 11Mattis The Bolt Georg Master Georgie
03.12.2022  Endzonis - Wrocław Południe   15 - 8
4.283 - 1Georg Master GeorgieMattis The Bolt
8.284 - 3Mattis The Bolt Georg Master Georgie
12.236 - 4Georg Master GeorgieMattis The Bolt
15.538 - 5Mattis The Bolt Johannes Your Highness
16.559 - 5Jonas Chess BoyMattis The Bolt
29.5615 - 8Mr Jan KowalskiMattis The Bolt
03.12.2022  Endzonis - YES   6 - 15
8.441 - 5Martin BorniMattis The Bolt
12.272 - 7Mattis The Bolt Georg Master Georgie
24.416 - 12Mattis The Bolt Karsten Curly
03.12.2022  Endzonis - Cerin On Fire   15 - 7
29.0411 - 7Mattis The Bolt Henning CrediX
34.4013 - 7Karsten CurlyMattis The Bolt
04.12.2022  Meowing Panthers - Endzonis   15 - 7
15.5210 - 4Georg Master GeorgieMattis The Bolt
04.12.2022  Endzonis - Kiffgesellschaft   15 - 14
20.1910 - 7Mattis The Bolt Johannes Your Highness
04.12.2022  SACHS'N - Endzonis   15 - 7
8.135 - 2Karsten CurlyMattis The Bolt